I'm learning how to use jpGraph to display bar graphs. The instructions explain how to create a .txt file with the following data:
1700.5 5.0
1701.5 110.0
1702.5 16.0
1703.5 23.0
I discovered that it still works if I change the extension to .php. But rather than use a static file, I want to figure out how to display data from a database table. Specifically, I want to display dates and test scores, like this:
2015-01-05 10
2015-01-05 50
2015-01-21 80
So I replaced the static data with a database query, followed by this code...
while ($row = $stm->fetch())
$Test_Score = $row['Test_Score'];
$Test_Date = $row['Test_Date'];
$Results[] = ''.$Test_Date.' '.$Test_Score.'';
echo join ($Results, '');
The problem is that this displays something like this...
2015-01-05 102015-01-05 502015-01-21 80
Adding a break doesn't help, apparently because it isn't compatible with jpGraph's code...
$Results[] = ''.$Test_Date.' '.$Test_Score.'<br>';
So I'm trying to figure out an alternative way to insert line breaks after each row of code. I'm on a Mac, so I think I'm supposed to use /r/n, but I've also tried /r and /n, enclosed in both double quotes and single quotes.
What's the magic formula?
Try it:
$lines = implode(PHP_EOL,$Results); // equal join(PHP_EOL,$Results);
Constant PHP_EOL
automatically set correct line-break of current OS.