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Intellij idea plugin development : plugin not enabled on right click on project

I have Developed one plugin in intellij idea, on right click on project I am getting that plugin name but it is always disable. How can I enable that plugin. This is my plugin.xml code :

       <group id="GenerateCRUDAction.GenerateCRUD" text="_GenerateCRUD" description="GenerateCRUD" popup="true">
           <action id="generateCrud" class="" text="generateCrud"
                   description="generateCrud action">
           <add-to-group group-id="ProjectViewPopupMenuRunGroup" anchor="last"/>


  • You have to enable presentation in update() method of your action, where should you check whether the input is valid for your case.

    public void update(@NotNull AnActionEvent e) {
        final Presentation presentation = e.getPresentation();
        final Project project = e.getProject();
        if (project == null) {

    You can check the source code of Eclipser plugin, where you will find an elaborate example of the implementation.