I want to modify the DOM using javascript upon the template being loaded (rendered). However, I can't seem to get the variables which were passed to the template in the first place. It seems that the only place I can use those variables are in the HTML template itself or in the template helpers. But I want to execute javascript (that relies on those variables) when the template finishes rendering.
The html renders fine, but I gave it here for reference anyway.
HTML Template:
<template name="cityDataset">
{{#each airports}}
<li><a href="{{mapLink}}" target="_blank">Directions from...</a></li>
Javascript file:
airports: function() {
console.log("helper-name: " + this.name); // New York City
console.log("helper-country: " + this.country); // United States
return CityDatasets.findOne({name: this.name, country: this.country}).airports;
Template.cityDataset.rendered = function() {
console.log("name: " + this.name); // undefined
console.log("country: " + this.country); // undefined
// I want to do stuff here! But I can't get the name and country :(
// doSomethingCoolToDOM(this.name, this.country);
The result I get in the console is this:
> helper-name: New York City
> helper-country: United States
> name: undefined
> country: undefined
Inside of rendered, you need to use this.data to access the template's data context.
Template.cityDataset.rendered = function() {
console.log("name: " + this.data.name);
console.log("country: " + this.data.country);