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Multiple line UIlabel in UItableviewcell using Autolayout

I have set setMaXPreferredLayoutWidth to UILabel and added all the required constraints to the UIlabel now I can see multiline UIlabel in my UItableviewcell but my problem is I am getting extra padding at the top and bottom of my UIlabel based on MaxpreferredLayoutWidth value.

When I set the MaxPreferreLayoutWidth to 200 I get this If maxPreferredLayoutwidth set to 200

When I set the MaxPreferreLayoutWidth to 100 I get this

MaxpreferredLayoutWidth  = 100

In general UIlabel height depends based on preferredMaxLayoutWidth. Can any one say me how to remove this extra padding and render the exact height of UIlabel?


  • We have to set the tableviewcell's frame while calculating the height of the cell in heightForRowAtIndexPath

    [tableViewCell setFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, CGRectGetWidth(self.tableView.bounds), CGRectGetHeight(tableViewCell.bounds))];

    and then in layoutSubviews method of UItableviewcell we have to set the preferredMaxLayoutwidth

    [self.multilineLabel setPreferredMaxLayoutWidth:CGRectGetWidth(self.bounds)];