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How to fetch 3-years historical price serie from Oanda with R?

I would like to process Bitcoin price in R but I'm unable to download time serie from Yahoo and Google.

From Yahoo the BTCUSD historical time serie is missing and the Google doesn't recognize the URL formated by getSymbols when symbol is "CURRENCY:EURUSD". I know R expect the ":" to be a list so I applied a workaround I found in Stakeoverflow to turn CURRENCY:EURUSD in CURRENCY.EURUSD but still Google cannot process the request.

Download from Oanda works like a charm but request cannot exceed 500 days. I try this workaround to bypass the limitation but it fails to populate correctly the prices object in which I have others symbols :

  • for some reason BTCUSD prices are missing for 2012 and part of 2013
  • also there are symbols from symbols's list that get NA with the wo.

tail(prices) (with the loop bellow)

             UUP    FXB    FXE    FXF   FXY   SLV    GLD     BTC
2014-08-31    NA     NA     NA     NA    NA    NA     NA 506.809
2014-09-30 22.87 159.33 124.48 102.26 88.80 16.35 116.21 375.386
2014-10-31 23.09 157.20 123.49 101.45 86.65 15.50 112.66 341.852
2014-11-30    NA     NA     NA     NA    NA    NA     NA 378.690
2014-12-31 23.97 153.06 119.14  98.16 81.21 15.06 113.58 312.642
2015-01-24    NA     NA     NA     NA    NA    NA     NA 229.813

Extract of print(prices) (with the loop bellow)

2013-06-28 22.56 150.17 128.93 103.92 98.63 18.97 119.11      NA
2013-07-31 22.09 150.12 131.74 105.99 99.93 19.14 127.96      NA
2013-08-30 22.19 152.93 130.84 105.45 99.63 22.60 134.62      NA
2013-09-30 21.63 159.70 133.85 108.44 99.47 20.90 128.18 133.794
2013-10-31 21.63 158.10 134.29 108.03 99.38 21.10 127.74 203.849
2013-11-30    NA     NA     NA     NA    NA    NA     NA 1084.800
2013-12-31 21.52 163.30 135.99 109.82 92.76 18.71 116.12 758.526
2014-01-31 21.83 161.95 133.29 108.00 95.58 18.45 120.09 812.097

tail(prices) (without the loop bellow)

             UUP    FXB    FXE    FXF   FXY   SLV    GLD
2014-08-29 22.02 163.23 129.54 106.42 93.61 18.71 123.86
2014-09-30 22.87 159.33 124.48 102.26 88.80 16.35 116.21
2014-10-31 23.09 157.20 123.49 101.45 86.65 15.50 112.66
2014-11-28 23.47 153.46 122.46 101.00 82.01 14.83 112.11
2014-12-31 23.97 153.06 119.14  98.16 81.21 15.06 113.58
2015-01-23 25.21 147.23 110.33 110.95 82.57 17.51 124.23

What is wrong with this code ? Tx !


symbols <- c(

getSymbols(symbols, from="2004-01-01")

prices <- list()
for(i in 1:length(symbols)) {
  prices[[i]] <- Cl(get(symbols[i]))  

BTC <- list()
for(i in 1:2) {
  BTC[[1]] <- getFX("BTC/USD",
                       from = Sys.Date() -499 * (i + 1),
                       to = Sys.Date() - 499 * i,
                       env = parent.frame(),
                       auto.assign = FALSE)
BTC[[1]] <- getFX("BTC/USD",
                  from = Sys.Date() -499,
                  to = Sys.Date(),
                  env = parent.frame(),
                  auto.assign = FALSE)

prices[[length(symbols)+1]] <- BTC[[1]]
prices <-, prices)

colnames(prices) <- gsub("\\.[A-z]*", "", colnames(prices))
ep <- endpoints(prices, "months")

prices <- prices[ep,]
prices <- prices["1997-03::"]


  • Your for loop isn't using i, and then after the for loop you're overwriting the results (the list was of length 1 because BTC[[1]] was hardcoded)

    Try this

    btc <-, lapply(0:2, function(i) {
            from = Sys.Date() -499 * (i + 1),
            to = Sys.Date() - 499 * i,
    prices <-, c(prices, list(btc)))

    Edit: Here's a more complete example

    # Use tryCatch() in case we try to get data too far in the past that 
    # Oanda doesn't provide. Return NULL if there is an error, and Filter
    # to only include data that has at least 1 row.
    btc <-, Filter(NROW, lapply(0:5, function(i) {
                     from = Sys.Date() -499 * (i + 1),
                     to = Sys.Date() - 499 * i,
                     env=NULL), error=function(e) NULL)
    symbols <- c(
    e <- new.env()
    getSymbols(symbols, from=start(btc), env=e)
    prices <-, c(eapply(e, Cl)[symbols], list(btc)))
    colnames(prices) <- gsub("\\.[A-z]*", "", colnames(prices))
    head(na.locf(prices)[endpoints(prices, "months")])
    #             UUP    FXB    FXE    FXF    FXY   SLV    GLD     BTC
    #2010-07-31 23.74 156.15 129.88  95.38 114.60 17.58 115.49 0.06386
    #2010-08-31 24.12 152.60 126.25  97.80 117.83 18.93 122.08 0.06441
    #2010-09-30 22.84 156.33 135.81 101.00 118.57 21.31 127.91 0.06194
    #2010-10-31 22.37 159.45 138.69 100.81 122.93 24.17 132.62 0.18530
    #2010-11-30 23.50 154.72 129.30  98.87 118.16 27.44 135.42 0.27380
    #2010-12-31 22.71 155.77 133.09 106.25 121.75 30.18 138.72 0.29190