I am novice in php and I write my first web page using PHP + JS without any frameworks (maybe later).
I have the next question.
How to implement multi language in Twig without Gettext or other plugins?
Something like that (in pure PHP - no questions... but how use it in twig)
"about_site" => "о нас",
"project" => "проект",
"team" => "команда");
In fact my project has no restrictions. If Gettext is the best solution for me - I'll use it. I thought I'll have to translate only 5-10 words per page. Using Gettext for this purpose is a bit strange.
You can easily use a php array like yours for translation in twig. Just pass the array to the twig template:
/* $twig is a is an instance of Twig_Environment */
$template = $twig->loadTemplate('yourtemplate.html');
$templateVars['trans'] = array(
"about_site" => "о нас",
"project" => "проект",
"team" => "команда"
echo $template->render($templateVars);
And in the template:
<!-- a lot of html stuff -->
<li><a href="#">{{ trans.about_site }}</a></li>
<li><a href="#">{{ trans.project }}</a></li>
<li><a href="#">{{ trans.team }}</a></li>
But mind, if you have complex translations with singular/plural expressions, variables, date expressions etc. I would strongly recommend you to use the twig i18n extension that is built upon gettext: http://twig.sensiolabs.org/doc/extensions/i18n.html