I was thinking about if crossbar.io is able to dynamically add guest workers when a new file is available in the watch directory. And I could not find an answer in the crossbar.io documentation.
It is advertising with Crossbar.io has a multi-node and multi-process architecture.
but I could not find an information if it is necessary to restart the whole crossbar instance when adding a guest worker.
The configuration for a guest worker looks like this:
"type": "guest",
"executable": "node",
"arguments": ["hello.js"],
"options": {
"workdir": "../node",
"watch": {
"directories": ["../node"],
"action": "restart"
and it seems that it will restart the worker (while crossbar instance is running) when there is a change in the directory "../node". But what about adding a completely new worker.
Is is necessary to restart the crossbar instance or is there a possibility to load the new worker while instance is running?
The ability to dynamically start guest workers is an upcoming feature of the (experimental as of 2015/01) management API (see crossbar.node.<node_id>.start_guest
As said, this is experimental, non-official and will still change. But it should give you a glimpse of what is coming.