The following is an example of 24 characters per line in Notepadd ++. I need to limit the characters per line to 14 characters.
Hell, how is she today ?
I need it to look like the following:
Hell, how is
I used this code
Find what: ^(.{1,14}).*
Replace with: $1
However, it show "Hell, how is s", it is misspelled.
How can I can limit the number of characters to 14 characters per line in Notepad++ and delete last word ?
This should work for you:
Find what: ^(.{1,14}(?<=\S)\b).*$
Replace with: $1
so for Hell, how is she today ?
the output is: Hell, how is
^ # The beginning of the string
( # Group and capture to \1:
.{1,14} # Any character except \n (between 1 and 14 times (matching the most amount possible))
(?<=\S) # This lookbehind makes sure the last char is not a space
\b # The boundary between a word char (\w). It matches the end of a word in this case
) # End of \1
.*$ # Match any char till the end of the line