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How do I get coloured output back for Cucumber in ConEmu?

Cucumber gives coloured output in Windows 7 (64-bit) command prompt with ANSICON 1.6.0, but no longer in the ConEmu terminal manager.


  • Cucumber.yml exists in \config folder
  • Cucumber.yml contains default: --color


  • Settings > Features > Inject ConEmuHk is checked
  • Settings > Features > ANSI X3.64 / xterm 256 colors is checked
  • %ConEmuANSI% returns "ON"
  • ls --color does return coloured output
  • Version status: 141004 preview

ConEmu appears to be fine, yet Cucumber appears to be configured correctly as well considering coloured output works in the command prompt. Any ideas?

Example output from Cucumber, as requested (these passing steps would previously show in green):

 Scenario: Visit the client site        # client\features\age_gate.feature:8
    Given I am a new visitor            # client/features/step_definitions/age_gate.rb:1
    When I visit the client website     # client/features/support/navigation.rb:1
    Then I am shown the age gate        # client/features/step_definitions/age_gate.rb:6


  • Old build was used. Update to latest alpha.