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get random top n rows where n is greater than quantity of rows in table

i'm writing a script that generates random data. i have two tables, one that stores first names, and second that stores surnames. i want to get e.g. 1000 random pairs of first name and surname. i can achieve it using following code:

    with x as (
    select top 1000 f.firstName from dbo.firstNames f order by newid()
    ), xx as (
    select x.firstName, row_number() over(order by x.firstName) as nameNo from x
    ), y as (
    select top 1000 s.surName from dbo.surNames s order by newid()
    ), yy as (
    select y.surName, row_number() over(order by y.ulica) as nameNo from y
    select xx.firstName, yy.surName 
    from xx inner join yy on (xx.nameNo=yy.nameNo)

...but what if one of my tables contains less than 1000 rows? i wondered how to get more than n rows from table where n is less than quantity of rows in table/view and you don't mind repeated results. the only way i could think of is to use temp table and while loop, and fill it with random rows until there is enough rows. But i wonder if it's possible to do it with a single select? i'm currently using sql server 2012 on my PC, but i would appreciate it if i could run it under sql server 2008, too.


  • If you want 1000 random pairs then 32 from each table should suffice (32*32=1024):

    WITH f1 AS (
        SELECT TOP 32 firstName FROM dbo.firstName ORDER BY newid()
    ), s1 AS
        SELECT TOP 32 surName FROM dbo.surName ORDER BY newid()
    SELECT f1.firstName, s1.surName
      FROM f1 CROSS JOIN s1;

    If that's not random enough then you might try the following:

    WITH f1 AS (
        SELECT TOP 100 firstName FROM dbo.firstName ORDER BY newid()
    ), s1 AS
        SELECT TOP 100 surName FROM dbo.surName ORDER BY newid()
    SELECT TOP 1000 f1.firstName, s1.surName
      FROM f1 CROSS JOIN s1
     ORDER BY newid();

    The above would get the 10,000 combinations and select 1,000 of them at random.