I've condensed my problem scenario in playground:
@objc protocol Prot {}
class Cla : Prot {}
var myArray: [ (aString: String, prot: [Prot] ) ] = []
var myProts: [Prot]? = [Cla()]
// error: type 'T' does not conform to protocol 'IntegerLiteralConvertible'
myArray.append(aString: "myname", prot: myProts!)
// works
myArray.append(aString: "myname", prot: myProts! as [Prot])
// works
if let myProts: [Prot] = myProts {
myArray.append(aString: "myname", prot: myProts)
Why is forced unwrap not accepted here?
Xcode 6.1.1
It's just the compiler getting confused - try this:
let tuple = (aString: "myname", prot: myProts!)
For some reason, and in some cases, it is not able to detect a tuple when passed to a function/method. And, as often happening, the error message doesn't help much.