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Phonegap build app with, not working

I'm trying to get the system working in my app. I normally develop my apps in my browser first, and then port them over into the Android/iOS apps, using Phonegap Build. Here is the JS I'm using: (I've downloaded oauth.min.js, and am including that fine);

$('#facebook-login').click(function() {
    OAuth.popup('facebook').done(function(result) {
        alert("all good");
    .fail(function (err) {
        alert("oops, we got an error!");

    return false;

I then try it from my test domain, and get:

Error: Origin "" does not match any registered domain/url on

Which makes sense, as I had to set the domain to yours:

enter image description here

If I convert it into a "proper" app, and then try running in an emulator, I get this error:

enter image description here

Is there no way I can run this both as a web-app (for developing), and also in the phonegap app? (I can't get either working yet - which is annoying - as I've spent most the day on it)

UPDATE: Ok, so I found the "Domains & URLs whitelist", and added my test domain in there -all good now - I get a correct response back. However that won't work on the app itself, as file:// would be the referrer. What would I put there?


  • As you've mentionned, you need to whitelist your domain in the Dashboard to test the authorization in a browser. For mobile SDKs (Phonegap, iOS, Android), you don't need to whitelist the file:///, handle it for you.