I try to write an R-function which produces xtables in a loop. Later I want to call my function in a Sweave document- but a single chunk can't support multiple tables. I would have to put each table in a single chunk and wrap it with the Latex Code \begin{table} ... \end{table}. So I wonder, whether it's possible to somehow call Sweave/knitr from within the Loop of the R-function and add \begin{table} .. \end{table} around each xtable? Or whether it is somehow possible to send each xtable from the loop to a chunk with \begin{table} ... \end{table} environment?
A mini-example of my function:
(....) ##Some necessary calculations to produce a data frame
for(j in 1:m){
for(i in 1:n){
In Sweave I would call the function:
I'm confused by your question. xtable
does include \begin{table}
pairs. And you can put multiple tables is a code chunk (for both Sweave and knitr .Rnw
files). Could it be just that you have misspelled 'asis'
in your chunk header?
Showing xtable
does include \begin{table}
> xtable(data.frame(x=1))
% latex table generated in R 3.1.2 by xtable 1.7-4 package
% Fri Jan 23 11:12:47 2015
& x \\
1 & 1.00 \\
And a simple .Rnw
file of
properly gives two tables.
If the misspelling isn't the problem, a complete minimally reproducible example is needed along with the version numbers of R and all the packages (output of sessionInfo()