I have two tables that I'm trying to create a relationship between so I can write nice LINQ queries that don't require join.
What I want to be able to do is create a LINQ query that does something similar to:
var result = from x in db.Widgets
Where x.Orders.OrderDate == "5/11/2010"
select x;
I can't seem to get intellitext to pick up the other database despite creating a relationship in SQL server. Are there any additional steps I need to take to make this work?
I don't think it could be done without either adding OrderDate
to Widgets in your database, or running a join query before querying it.
I would do something like this.
var firstQuery = (for w in Widgets
join o in Orders
on w.WidgetId equals o.WidgetID
select new {Widgets = w, OrderDate = o.OrderDate}).Distinct();
var secondQuery = for record in firstQuery
where record.OrderDate == "5/11/2010"
select record.Widgets;
This way you get an OrderDate
for each Widget record.