I have a few jPlayer instances, obviously with diferent id.
Edit: Here is my current Fiddle
ready: function () {
$(this).jPlayer("setMedia", {
title: "test",
mp3: "sourceofmp3"
timeupdate: function(event) {
swfPath: "jquery.jplayer.swf",
cssSelectorAncestor: '#jp_container_1',
play: '.icon-play1',
pause: '.icon-pause1',
seekBar: '.ui-slider',
playBar: '.ui-slider-range',
currentTime: '.jp-current-time',
duration: '.jp-duration'
supplied: "mp3",
solution_play: "flash, html",
wmode: "window",
preload: "metadata",
volume: 1,
keyEnabled: true,
errorAlerts: true
And his respective jquery ui slider
animate: "fast",
max: 100,
range: "min",
step: 0.1,
value : 0,
slide: function(event, ui) {
var sp = $("#jquery_jplayer_1").data("jPlayer").status.seekPercent;
if(sp > 0) {
$("#jquery_jplayer_1").jPlayer("playHead", ui.value * (100 / sp));
} else {
setTimeout(function() {
$( "#jp-progress-slider-1").slider("value", 0);
}, 0);
In web everything works fine, duration, current time, current progress, events and listeners...
But in mobile (adnroid) duration,currentPercentAbsolute,currentPercentRelative are always 0 The player plays,pauses and stops normally but this values of the status are always 0 What´s wrong?
Edit 1: So far, this error is only shown in Android Chrome 39, no
At last!
I foud what was wrong...
The error was in the server!!!
It has enable gzip compression
I used SetEnv no-gzip 1 in the .htaccess to solve it
Do Not GZIP the Media
Disable GZIP encoding of all the media files. Media files are already >compressed and the GZIP will just waste CPU on your server.
The Adobe Flash Plugin will experience issues if you GZIP the media.
Do not GZIP the Jplayer.swf file either. Feel free to GZIP the JavaScript
This is the only reference to the possible bug that i found so far
NOTE: So far this bug is only shown in Android Chorme
If you're experimenting some issues of the list below in mobile browsers give it a try