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How to create conference rooms in Openfire with XMPPHP?

I'm developing a system which at some point I'll have to allow users to create their own conference rooms.

I was reading about create rooms and wrote some code with XMPP which results in the verbose log below.

1422017436 [VERBOSE]: Socket is ready; send it.
1422017436 [VERBOSE]: SENT: <presence from='24527@localhost/xmpphp' to='sala3@myconference.localhost/xmpphp'><x xmlns=''/></presence>
1422017436 [VERBOSE]: Successfully sent 134 bytes.
1422017436 [VERBOSE]: Socket is ready; send it.
1422017436 [VERBOSE]: SENT: <iq from='24527@localhost/xmpphp' id='create1' to='sala3@myconference.localhost/xmpphp' type='set'><query xmlns=''><x xmlns='jabber:x:data' type='submit'/></query></iq>
1422017436 [VERBOSE]: Successfully sent 203 bytes.
1422017436 [VERBOSE]: Disconnecting...
1422017436 [VERBOSE]: Socket is ready; send it.
1422017436 [VERBOSE]: SENT: </stream:stream>
1422017436 [VERBOSE]: Successfully sent 16 bytes.
1422017436 [VERBOSE]: RECV: <presence from="sala3@myconference.localhost/xmpphp" to="24527@localhost/xmpphp"><x xmlns=""><item jid="24527@localhost/xmpphp" affiliation="owner" role="moderator"/><status code="110"/><status code="100"/><status code="201"/></x></presence>
1422017436 [DEBUG]: Calling presence_handler
1422017436 [DEBUG]: Presence: sala3@myconference.localhost/xmpphp [available] 
1422017436 [DEBUG]: EVENT: presence
1422017436 [VERBOSE]: RECV: <iq type="result" id="create1" from="sala3@myconference.localhost/xmpphp" to="24527@localhost/xmpphp"/>
1422017436 [VERBOSE]: RECV: </stream:stream>
1422017436 [DEBUG]: EVENT: end_stream

It seems to be working, as I can read here:

1422017436 [DEBUG]: Calling presence_handler
1422017436 [DEBUG]: Presence: sala3@myconference.localhost/xmpphp [available] 
1422017436 [DEBUG]: EVENT: presence
1422017436 [VERBOSE]: RECV: <iq type="result" id="create1" from="sala3@myconference.localhost/xmpphp" to="24527@localhost/xmpphp"/>
1422017436 [VERBOSE]: RECV: </stream:stream>

But I cannot find the sala3 room in Openfire Panel. Is there anything wrong with my SENT packets?



  • It is still ugly, but it worked.

    I added it to XMPP.php

    public function createGroup() {
            $out = "<presence from='24527@localhost/xmpphp' to='sala4@myconference.localhost/xmpphp'><x xmlns=''/></presence>";
        public function createGroup2() {
            $out = "<iq from='24527@localhost/desktop'
                      <query xmlns=''/>
        public function sendConfigRoom() {
            $out = "<iq from='24527@localhost/desktop'
                  <query xmlns=''>
                    <x xmlns='jabber:x:data' type='submit'>
                      <field var='FORM_TYPE'>
                      <field var='muc#roomconfig_roomname'>
                        <value>A Dark Cave</value>
                      <field var='muc#roomconfig_roomdesc'>
                        <value>The place for all good witches!</value>
                      <field var='muc#roomconfig_enablelogging'>
                      <field var='muc#roomconfig_changesubject'>
                      <field var='muc#roomconfig_allowinvites'>
                      <field var='muc#roomconfig_allowpm'>
                      <field var='muc#roomconfig_maxusers'>
                      <field var='muc#roomconfig_publicroom'>
                      <field var='muc#roomconfig_persistentroom'>
                      <field var='muc#roomconfig_moderatedroom'>
                      <field var='muc#roomconfig_membersonly'>
                      <field var='muc#roomconfig_passwordprotectedroom'>
                      <field var='muc#roomconfig_roomsecret'>
                      <field var='muc#roomconfig_whois'>
                      <field var='muc#maxhistoryfetch'>
                      <field var='muc#roomconfig_roomadmins'>
                </iq> ";

    And my createGroup.php:

    // activate full error reporting
    //error_reporting(E_ALL & E_STRICT);
    ini_set('display_errors', 'On');
    include 'XMPPHP/XMPP.php';
        // load the image from filesystem
    #Use XMPPHP_Log::LEVEL_VERBOSE to get more logging for error reports
    #If this doesn't work, are you running 64-bit PHP with < 5.2.6?
        $conn = new XMPPHP_XMPP('myserver', 5222, '24527', 'my pw', 'xmpphp', 'localhost', $printlog=true, $loglevel=XMPPHP_Log::LEVEL_VERBOSE);
        #$conn->processUntil(array('result', 'error'));