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RML ReportaLab left and right padding in a table

I am working on a report in openerp v7 and I need to get rid of left and right padding on a table:

enter image description here

Here's the definition of the blockTable:

<blockTableStyle id="Detalle">
      <blockAlignment value="LEFT"/>
      <blockValign value="TOP"/>
    <!--      <lineStyle kind="LINEABOVE" colorName="#000000" thickness="1.0" start="0,0" stop="-1,-1" />
      <lineStyle kind="LINEBELOW" colorName="#000000" thickness="1.0" start="0,0" stop="-1,-1" />   -->
 <lineStyle kind="LINEBEFORE" colorName="#000000" thickness="1.0" start="0,0" stop="-1,-1" />
      <lineStyle kind="LINEAFTER" colorName="#000000" thickness="1.0" start="0,0" stop="-1,-1" />

And here's the paragraph:

<paraStyle name="DetalleRight" fontName="Courier" fontSize="5.5"  leading="3" alignment="RIGHT"/>

Thaks in advance


  • I solved it! the trick was:

    <blockTableStyle id="Detalle">
      <blockAlignment value="LEFT"/>
      <blockValign value="TOP"/>
      <blockLeftPadding length="0.5mm"/>
      <blockRightPadding length="0.5mm"/>

    blockRightPadding property