What I want to implement is to have an agent responsible for manipulating the Map of items. Thats an easy party, but now Im wondering how can a query on that Map ?
Take a look at this code:
let rec timeTable = Map.empty<string, TimeTableEntry>
let timeTableAgent = new TimeTableAgent(fun inbox ->
(* Internal functions *)
let validateCronExpr task =
task.CronExpr |> CrontabSchedule.Parse |> Success
with | ex -> Failure "Cron expression is invalid."
let rec schedule (timeTable : Map<string, TimeTableEntry>) (entry : TimeTableEntry) =
match validateCronExpr(entry) with
| Failure err -> Failure err
| Success _ -> match timeTable.ContainsKey(entry.Name) with
| false ->
let timeTable = timeTable.Add(entry.Name, entry)
Success "Task has been scheduled."
| true -> Failure "Task already exists."
(* message processing *)
let rec messageLoop (timeTable : Map<string, TimeTableEntry>) =
async {
let! message = inbox.Receive()
match message with
| Command.Schedule (entry, reply) ->
let timeTable = timeTable.Add(entry.Name, entry)
reply.Reply(schedule timeTable entry)
| Command.RecalculateOccurance (key, reply) -> reply.Reply(Success("OK"))
| Command.UnSchedule (key, reply) -> reply.Reply(Success("OK"))
return! messageLoop timeTable
// start the loop
messageLoop timeTable
let task = { Name = ""; CronExpr = "* * * * *"; Job = FileName(""); NextOccurance = DateTime.Now }
let messageAsync = timeTableAgent.PostAndAsyncReply(fun replyChannel -> Command.Schedule(task, replyChannel))
so now I would like to do something like this:
printf "%i" timeTable.Count
timeTable |> Map.iter (fun k v -> printf "%s" v.Name)
but the item count is 0 and the query does not return anything :(
I know that the state of the timetable is immutable, but I remember it is possible to just replace the immutable vars with the new instances....
Could someone help me on this, please ?
Taking your example above you could do the following.
In the agents message handler look add another command
(** Previous match clauses **)
| Command.GetCount(reply) ->
you can then use the command to query for that view of the agents state
let timeTableCount = timeTableAgent.PostandReply(Command.GetCount)