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Is there a way to make the broccoli less compiler respect the multiple outputPaths config for CSS files?

i'm using ember-cli 0.1.5,

I'd like to build a css file for each 'skin-*.less' file in the app/styles folder. This works with plain CSS using the following config in my Brocfile.js:

var app = new EmberApp({
    outputPaths: {
        app: {
            css: {
                'skin-light': '/assets/skin-light.css',
                'skin-dark': '/assets/skin-dark.css'

After installing a LESS precompiler with 'ember install:addon ember-cli-less' this config is not respected and instead 'ember build' looks for app/styles/app.less.

Is there a way to make the broccoli less compiler respect the multiple outputPaths config for CSS files?


  • This functionality is now available in ember-cli-less v1.1.0