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Mercurial on IIS7 error when trying to clone repository

I have set Mercurial 1.51 up on a Hyper-V server running Windows 2008R2 and am trying to use IIS7 to serve the repositories. I followed these instructions which I had previously used when evaluating mercurial with success. All was going well I could see the repositories from with a browser but when I tried to clone the repository from the server I receive the following error:

requesting all changes

abort: HTTP Error 502: Bad Gateway

I am not sure if this is an issue with IIS or Hyper-V or Mercurial? Any suggestion much appreciated


  • I noticed that tutorial did not instruct you to add the python IIS Handler Mapping. Take a look at this tutorial, specifically #3 under the IIS 7 section. That may help.

    Vampire Basic: Running Mercurial on Windows ( mirror).