Hello i' need to use a pop-up menu, witch is created dynamically.
OSErr err = GetBevelButtonMenuHandle(m_pRecallAOptionalButton, &m_pRecallAMenuRef);
for (countitem)
String szItem (List.GetAt(i));
CFStringRef sz = ToCFStringRef(szItem);
AppendMenuItemTextWithCFString(m_pRecallAMenuRef, sz, 0, 0, 0);
short sCount = CountMenuItems(m_pRecallAMenuRef);
SetControl32BitMaximum(m_pRecallAOptionalButton, sCount);
This is ok, menu show the correct number of items. I set maximum value.
My problem occur when i want to get the selected item index. For this, i use the kEventClassMenu event & kEventMenuClosed kind
case kEventClassMenu:
MenuRef Menu;
GetEventParameter( inEvent, kEventParamDirectObject, typeMenuRef, NULL, sizeof(Menu), NULL, &Menu );
if (Menu && (Menu == pMainForm->m_pRecallAMenuRef))
SInt32 nIndex = GetControl32BitMaximum(m_pRecallAOptionalButton); // return the correct items count
nIndex = GetControl32BitValue(m_pRecallAOptionalButton); // always return 0 !!!!!
Did i missed something ? is it the right event to attach ?
Many thanks for help.
You probably want to handle kEventClassCommand/kEventProcessCommand, and use the command id from the menu item.
HICommand command;
GetEventParameter( inEvent, kEventParamDirectObject, typeHICommand, NULL,
sizeof( HICommand ), NULL, &command );
switch (command.commandID) {
case 1:
... etc ...
Note that the commandID is one of the parameters to AppendMenuItemTextWithCFString
; that's how you can give each item a unique commandID as you generate the menu. commandID's are conventionally 4-char codes (like 'open' or 'save'), but there's no reason you couldn't use simple ints for your dynamically-generated commands.