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javax.ejb.EJBAccessException: Caller unauthorized

I encountered above exception after migrating an application from QuartzMDB with quartz-ra.rar to EJB Timers in Jboss AS 6.1 . (As a part of upgrading application to wildfly 8.1)

Exception is occurred at a job that uses following ejb.

public class PlatformPluginBean implements PlatformPluginRemote {

    // some code here

    public Collection<PlatformPlugin> getPlugins() {
        return new ArrayList<PlatformPlugin>(schemaToPlugin.values());


Following is the job before migration which worked fine.

@MessageDriven(activationConfig = {
    @ActivationConfigProperty(propertyName = "cronTrigger", propertyValue = "0 0 * * * ?"),
    @ActivationConfigProperty(propertyName = "jobName", propertyValue = "PruneJob")})
public class PruneJob implements Job {

    private PlatformPluginRemote platformPluginRemote;

    public void execute(JobExecutionContext jobExecutionContext) throws JobExecutionException {

        for (PlatformPlugin platformPlugin: platformPluginRemote.getPlugins()) {
            // some stuff here

Following is the job after changing to ejb auto timer.

public class PruneJob {

    private PlatformPluginRemote platformPluginRemote;

    @Schedule(hour="*", minute="0", persistent=false)
    public void execute() {

        for (PlatformPlugin platformPlugin: platformPluginRemote.getPlugins()) {
            // some stuff here

The exception is occurred at platformPluginRemote.getPlugins() call.


  • @RunAs("admin") annotation doesn't seem to work for some reason (jboss bug?)

    Same can be done by adding following code before the call to ejb.

    SecurityContextAssociation.getSecurityContext().setOutgoingRunAs(new RunAsIdentity("admin", "admin"));