I am writing a program in IDL that requires reading n images (each of m pixels) from a directory, convert them to grayscale, concatenate each image as a single vector, and then form a an m * n matrix from the data.
So far I have managed to read and convert a single image to a grayscale vector, but I can't figure out how to extend this to reading multiple image files.
Can anyone advise on how I could adapt my code in order to do this? (The image files will all be of the same size, and stored in the same directory with convenient filenames - i.e. testpicture1, testpicture2, etc)
pro readimage
image = READ_IMAGE('Z:\My Documents\testpicture.jpg')
redChannel = REFORM(image[0, *, *])
greenChannel = REFORM(image[1, * , *])
blueChannel = REFORM(image[2, *, *])
grayscaleImage = BYTE(0.299*FLOAT(redChannel) + $
0.587*FLOAT(greenChannel) + 0.114*FLOAT(blueChannel))
imageVec = grayscaleImage[*]
to find the names and number of the images of the given name:
filenames = FILE_SEARCH('Z:\My Documents\testpicture*.jpg', count=nfiles)
You will probably also want to declare an array to hold your results:
imageVec = bytarr(m, nfiles)
Then loop over the files with a FOR
loop doing what you are doing already:
for f = 0L, nfiles - 1L do begin
; stuff you are already doing
imageVec[*, f] = grayscaleImage[*]