KeyMaster Model
public class KeyMasterModel
public int KeyId { get; set; }
public int TypeId { get; set; }
public string TypeName { get; set;}
public class PagedKeyModel
// Collection of our KeyMasterModel , trying to populate this and send it to ViewModel to display a Grid//
public IPagedList<Security.Models.KeyMasterModel> pagedkeymaster;
public class KeyMasterViewModel
//tell me how to initialise the KeyMasterViewModel.pagedkeymodel.pagedkeymaster in a constructor here so that I dont get a null
public PagedKeyModel pagedkeymodel;
public KeyMasterModel keymastermodel;
public ActionResult ListOfKey(string sortOrder, string CurrentSort, int? page)
// View Model Object //
KeyMasterViewModel keyMasterViewModel = new KeyMasterViewModel();
// At the gollowing step keyMasterModelObject has values retrieved from db //
//Next aim is to place it into ViewModel Object by assigning the retrieved PagedList of KeyMasterModel to IPagedList<Security.Models.KeyMasterModel> pagedkeymaster
IPagedList<KeyMasterModel> KeyMasterModelObject= datalayercall.GetAll(sortOrder, CurrentSort, page);
// Here is where error is thrown , all of a sudden I get the error , KeyMasterModelObject becomes null .
// I am trying finally to populate everything into ViewModel object
keyMasterViewModel .pagedkeymodel.pagedkeymaster = KeyMasterModelObject;
return View(keyMasterViewModel);
// Business Logic Layer
public IPagedList<KeyMasterModel> GetAll(string sortOrder, string CurrentSort, int? page)
var retrieveddatalayerobject = datalayerobject.KeyMasters;
// Retrieving Data from db and forming a list according to my model in App//
List<KeyMasterModel> keymastermodellist = new List<KeyMasterModel>();
KeyMasterModel keymastermodelobject=new KeyMasterModel();
foreach(var retrieveditems in retrieveddatalayerobject)
keymastermodelobject.KeyId = retrieveditems.KeyId;
keymastermodelobject.TypeName = retrieveditems.TypeMaster.TypeName;
// Create a New List Of KeyMasterModel //
// Paged List of KeyMaster Model //
IPagedList<KeyMasterModel> IPagedListKeyMasterModel = null;
switch (sortOrder)
case "KeyId":
if (sortOrder.Equals(CurrentSort))
IPagedListKeyMasterModel = keymastermodellist.OrderByDescending
(m => m.KeyId).ToPagedList(pageIndex, pageSize);
return IPagedListKeyMasterModel;
Your code as I understand it:
KeyMasterViewModel keyMasterViewModel = new KeyMasterViewModel();
keyMasterViewModel.pagedkeymodel.pagedkeymaster = KeyMasterModelObject;
So here you are using keyMasterViewModel.pagedkeymodel
and assuming it is not null (because you are trying to assign to a property on it). However KeyMasterViewModel doesn't have a constructor and doesn't set pagedkeymodel
to anything at declaration so it will default to being null. Hence your problem.