I have a code that looks like this.
<%= link_to_remote "View results",
:update=>"uxUpdateDiv" ,
:url=>{:controller=>"exam", :action=>"results"} ,
:loading=>visual_effect(:appear, "uxcLoader", :duration=> 0.1),
:before =>visual_effect(:fade, "uxUpdateDiv", :duration => 0.1),
:complete => visual_effect(:appear, "uxUpdateDiv", :duration => 1.5 ),
:success=>visual_effect(:fade, "uxcLoader", :duration=> 1)
what happens here is not good enough for me.
I want to add multiple effects for one event. Like the following:
:complete=>(:fade, "uxLoader", :duration=>1 AND :fade, "uxTheOtherDiv", :duration=>1)
How do i achieve this.? I am using jrails
You can write like this:
:complete=>update_page do |page|
page.visual_effect :fade, "uxLoader", :duration=>1
page.visual_effect :fade, "uxTheOtherDiv", :duration=>1
See the api.