Currently we have a method that returns a string with a formatted CSV file.
string =
We need to upload this csv file to a ftp server like so
ftp =, username, password)
however, the string
variable is obviously a string, and not a binary file as the putbinaryfile method expects. I see two ways to do this,
variable to a file first using File
Do these seem like viable options? If so, how would I approach doing this, thanks in advance!
Since the putbinaryfile method is looking for a file path rather than an actual file, it looks like my best best will be to create a File from the string
variable. Can anyone give an example of how this can be accomplished?
After talking to another developer, he gave me this solution which I found to be a better for my situation, since the file did not exist already. It skips writing the string to a Tempfile and uses StringIO to upload it directly. His solution:
The Net::FTP#putbinaryfile method takes the name of a file on the local filesystem to copy to the remote filesystem. Now, if your data is in a string (and wasn't read from a file on the filesystem) then you may want to use Net::FTP#storbinary instead:
require 'stringio'
require 'net/ftp'
data ="Hello, world!\n")
hostname = "ftp.domain.tld"
username = "username"
password = "password"
remote_filename = "something.txt", username, password) do |ftp|
# ...other ftp commands here...
ftp.storbinary("STOR #{remote_filename}", data, BLOCKSIZE)
# ...any other ftp commands...
The above avoids writing data that's not on disk to disk, just so you can upload it somewhere. However, if the data is already in a file on disk, you might as well just fix your code to reference its filename instead.