Search code examples

Oracle: Analytics: How to Sort Using Some Column Names

I have a query same as below.

select organization_name, is_manager, is_vendor, is_engineer
from table_org_roles;

Example data:

Org_A            |Yes       |No       |No         
Org_B            |No        |Yes      |No         
Org_C            |No        |No       |Yes
Org_D            |Yes       |No       |Yes

However I wanted to make a SQL query that will be ordered by the the role name ascended which is the column name. How can I make query that will display like below:

Roles(ASC) | Organization
is_engineer| Org_C
is_engineer| Org_D
is_manager | Org_A
is_manager | Org_D
is_vendor  | Org_B

Is it possible to make such query using Analytics? Thank you very much in advance.


  • Hi this can be done with the help of an UNPIVOT operation as well. see below.

       create table test_stack
    organization_name varchar2(100),
    is_manager varchar2(10),
    is_vendor varchar2(20),
    is_engineer varchar2(20)
    insert into test_stack
    select 'org_A','Yes','No','No' from dual
    union all
    select 'org_B','No','Yes','No' from dual
    union all
    select 'org_C','No','No','Yes' from dual
    union all
    select 'org_D','Yes','No','Yes' from dual; 
    select organization_name,roles
        from test_stack
        unpivot include nulls ( existence for Roles in ( IS_MANAGER as 'IS_MANAGER',IS_VENDOR as 'IS_VENDOR',IS_ENGINEER as 'IS_ENGINEER'))
        where existence ='Yes';