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invalid effective address calculation

Please look at the following program, the error is invalid effective address calculation and i have mentioned that line please tell me why its invalid effective address calculation here is the program

[org 0x100]
jmp start

array1: dw 10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55
array2: dw 15,10,20,35,40,30,55,50,25,45

start:  mov bx,0
    mov cx,0
loop:   mov ax,[array2+bx]
        cmp ax,[array1+cx]//here is the error invalid effective address calculation 
        jne NextElementOfArray1

NextElementOfArray2:    add bx,2
                        cmp bx,20       
            je end
                        mov cx,0
            jmp loop

NextElementOfArray1:    add cx,2        
                        cmp cx,20       
            je NextElementOfArray2   
            jmp loop
end:    mov ax,0x4c00
    int 0x21


  • start:  mov bx,0
            mov dx,0 ; <-- did you mean "mov cx, 0" ?
    loop:   mov ax,[array2+bx]
            cmp ax,[array1+cx]

    Edit: If I recall correctly, cx register can not be used as an index.

    Table 2-1. 16-Bit Addressing Forms with the ModR/M Byte

    Effective Address Mod R/M Value of ModR/M Byte (in Hexadecimal)