I am working on a rails app where I need to access users Google Double Click for Publisher Data. I am using the 'google-dfp-api' gem. I have set up OmniAuth for users to authenticate their DFP accounts and am storing the refresh token per the google documentation (https://developers.google.com/doubleclick-publishers/docs/authentication). I can not figure out how to use the refresh token to access the DFP api.
I am attempting to make the connection as shown below:
dfp = DfpApi::Api.new({
:authentication => {
:method => 'OAuth2',
:oauth2_client_id => GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID,
:oauth2_client_secret => GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET,
:user_agent => USER_AGENT,
:application_name => APP_NAME,
:oauth2_token => {
:refresh_token => GOOGLE_DFP_REFRESH_TOKEN
:service => {
:environment => 'PRODUCTION'
AnyTime I attempt to make a query after this I get the following error:
DfpApi::V201411::UserService::ApiException: [AuthenticationError.AUTHENTICATION_FAILED @ ]
You do not use the refresh token to access the api, use your access_token. I am refreshing the access_token before I make a call.
Refresh your token:
def refresh_access_token
refresh_token = self.refresh_token
google_refresh_url = "https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/token"
response = RestClient.post google_refresh_url, :grant_type => 'refresh_token', :refresh_token => refresh_token, :client_id => ENV['GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID'], :client_secret => ENV['GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET']
response_hashed = JSON.parse(response)
new_access_token = response_hashed['access_token']
Then the OAuth DFP API hash should look as below:
@api = DfpApi::Api.new({
:authentication => {
:method => 'OAuth2',
:oauth2_client_id => ENV['GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID'],
:oauth2_client_secret => ENV['GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET'],
:application_name => ENV['GOOGLE_APP_NAME'],
:client_customer_id => google_dfp_credential.google_client_customer_id,
:network_code => google_dfp_credential.network_code,
:user_agent => ENV['GOOGLE_DFP_USER_AGENT'],
:oauth2_token => {
:access_token => google_dfp_credential.access_token,
:service => {
:environment => 'PRODUCTION'
The user_agent is a unique string to your app, that should be the same every time you access the api. See the link below for more info on that:
You will also need to get the network_code from the the dfp account you are accessing by logging into the dfp account manually. To my knowledge this is not returned with OAuth authentication. See step 2 in the link below for more info on how to get the network_code: