I'm having problems realising exactly why I am getting the error quoted in the question title when trying to implement a progress timer on my block.
func uploadImage(imageData: NSData!) {
let imageFile = PFFile(name: "\(PFUser.currentUser().username)'s Avatar", data: imageData)
// Show the HUD to prompt user of upload
hud = MBProgressHUD.showHUDAddedTo(self.view, animated: true)
hud.mode = MBProgressHUDModeDeterminateHorizontalBar
hud.labelText = "Changing Image..."
// Upload the image
imageFile.saveInBackgroundWithBlock({ (succeeded: Bool, error: NSError!) -> Void in
// Check there was no error, begin handling the file upload
// trimmed out un-necessary code
}, progressBlock: { (amountDone: Int32) -> Void in
self.hud.progress = amountDone/100 as Float
If I remove the line self.hud.progress = amountDone/100 as Float
everything works as I'd expect, however putting anything within the progressBlock
causes my application to crash.
I'm following a Parse tutorial for uploading images, only difference is I am working with Swift so I am needing to convert from Objective-C, however I can't see why this would make a huge difference in the syntax for constructing the second block.
It is casting issue.
You need to cast amountDone
variable in to Float
or CGFloat
from Int32
var flotAmount = Float(amountDone)
Check type of self.hud.progress
if it is Float
than use
self.hud.progress = Float(flotAmount/100)
And if it is CGFloat then use below line:
self.hud.progress = CGFloat(flotAmount/100)