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Install cx_freeze on anaconda?

I'm trying to install cx_freeze to a virtual environment I've made in anaconda. From within the environment, I type (

conda install -c cx_freeze

I get the following message:

Fetching package metadata: ...
Solving package specifications: ..
Error: Unsatisfiable package specifications.
Generating hint: 
[2/2                 ] |#####################################################################################################################################################################################| 100%

Hint: the following combinations of packages create a conflict with the
remaining packages:
  - python 2.7*
  - cx_freeze

I'm using anaconda 3.7.4 on python version 2.7.9 on linux-64 Ubuntu 14.


  • In case conda install cannot install a package because there is a conflict with the version of Python you use:

    • make sure pip is installed in your current (virtual) Python environment: conda install pip (or conda list to see whether pip is in the list of installed packages)
    • install your package using pip: pip install <name of your package>