I am trying to install “azure-powershell.0.8.7.msi” through a .cmd file using command msiexec.exe /i ".\azure-powershell.0.8.7.MSI" /passive
This msi file is part of solution explorer(part of project, I have to do it in this way only). Although I am able to install/uninstall when this msi file when it’s on local disk ( i.e. on some drive)
I tried to log the error it is: “This installation package could not be opened. Verify that the package exists and that you can access it, or contact the application vendor to verify that this is a valid Windows Installer package.”
It is a known error of Microsoft. I tried each and every proposed solution on internet but it doesn’t work. Note: The current user/admin of the system have all the access(read,write,modify).
if your MSI-file is in the same directory like the cmd-file you have to us the following command
msiexec /i "%~dp0azure-powershell.0.8.7.MSI" /qb
%~dp0 is refering to cmd-file directory and in this case to the MSI-file.
If you want to create a log-file use the /l
and the logfilepath plus name after /qb
For example:
msiexec /i "%~dp0azure-powershell.0.8.7.MSI" /qb /l*v %temp%\azure-powershell.log