I did the following step to convert my html and javascript to make it compatible for iOS app using phonegap:
What can be the issue can anyone please tell me?
Is it something like that the provising profile used here should be for that particular device?
i think you have not added device in provising profile
1 Go to your Apple developer portal Click Devices to register your iOS device. You need to connect your device to iTunes to obtain your UUID Click Certificate
2-Create a certificate for Production (to use PhoneGap Build, otherwise Development) Download the certificate
3- Convert the certificate to a p12 file . - Double-click the .cer file to open it in Key Chain Access.
Then click My Certificates under the category, Ctrl-click the certificate and export. When you save the .p12 file, you are asked to create a password that you will need later.
4- Create a provision file on Apple developer portal, then download. Again, to make this work on PhoneGap Build, you need one for Distribution, otherwise Development. - See more at: link