I have a problem where I need evaluate a bunch of functions that are stored in a list.
I have a function dg and parameter values for 'a' and 'b' in paramList:
syms a b x;
dg = symfun((a*exp(-a*(x-b)))/((1+exp(-a*(x-b)))^2),[a b x]);
paramList = [0.18, 20; 0.25, 25; 0.35, 15; 0.3, 20; 0.33, 30];
and need to make a list of this functions f(x) with different parameter values for 'a' and 'b'.
I have a function that can do this:
function [ out ] = getFunList( paramList, func )
syms a b x;
s = size(paramList);
s = s(1);
out = symfun.empty(1,s);
for i = 1:s
newFun = subs(func,a,paramList(i,1));
newFun = subs(newFun,b,paramList(i,2));
out(1,i) = newFun;
Using the above function will result in
>> funList = getFunList(paramList,dg)
funList =
[ (9*exp(18/5 - (9*x)/50))/(50*(exp(18/5 - (9*x)/50) + 1)^2), exp(25/4 - x/4)/(4*(exp(25/4 - x/4) + 1)^2), (7*exp(21/4 - (7*x)/20))/(20*(exp(21/4 - (7*x)/20) + 1)^2), (3*exp(6 - (3*x)/10))/(10*(exp(6 - (3*x)/10) + 1)^2), (33*exp(99/10 - (33*x)/100))/(100*(exp(99/10 - (33*x)/100) + 1)^2)]
but if I try to evaluate from here it doesn't work:
>> subs(funList(1,1),x,5)
ans =
(9*exp(27/10))/(50*(exp(27/10) + 1)^2)
Is there any way get the last expression to evaluate exactly?
>> eval(funList(1))
ans =
(9*exp(18/5 - (9*x)/50))/(50*(exp(18/5 - (9*x)/50) + 1)^2)
doesn't work.
Or is there a good way to store a cell array of anonymous functions? I tried this but I can't figure out how to create the anonymous functions from variables. For example:
>> cellarr = cell(1,3)
>> cellarr{1} = @(x) eval(funList(1))
cellarr =
@(x)eval(funList(1)) [] []
This doesn't produce what I want. I'm not sure how to get the the cell array to store
@(x) (9*exp(18/5 - (9*x)/50))/(50*(exp(18/5 - (9*x)/50) + 1)^2)
but extracted from a variable.
Any help would be great. Thanks.
Do you really need a symfun? It seems function handles are fine in your case.
paramList = [0.18, 20; 0.25, 25; 0.35, 15; 0.3, 20; 0.33, 30];
for rw=1:size(paramList,1)
This generates the list. In case you simply want to evaluate use:
Or to get the expression:
It is important to keep functions in a cell array. Arrays of functions are not possible. For symfuns you get a function returning an array instead of an array of functions.