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Powershell Export Multiple Keys To One .reg File

I would like to export multiple registry keys to the same .reg file. Every suggestion I've seen shows to use reg /e [key name] filename.reg, but I have a list of 4-5 registry entries I want to export and doing it this way will overwrite it each time. What I want is something like:

  • Export HKLM\Software\Test\ABC RegFile.reg
  • Export HKLM\Software\ABC\123 RegFile.reg
  • Export HKLM\Software\XYZ\Lala RegFile.reg

So that each registry key is appended to the same .reg file, not overwritten each time. How can I do this?


  • The simplest way would be to export each key individually, and then merge the resulting files:

    $keys = 'HKLM\Software\Test\ABC', 'HKLM\Software\ABC\123', ...
    $tempFolder = 'C:\temp\folder'
    $outputFile = 'C:\path\to\merged.reg'
    $keys | % {
      & reg export $_ "$tempFolder\$i.reg"
    'Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00' | Set-Content $outputFile
    Get-Content "$tempFolder\*.reg" | ? {
      $_ -ne 'Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00'
    } | Add-Content $outputFile