Consider this piece of code
def RespJson = RespSlurper.parseText(content)
def RespNode= "RespJson"+"."+ assertionKey
where assertionKey
will change dynamically on each iteration and will be having values like seatbid[0].bid[0].impid
How can I execute the below code in Groovyshell, I am trying this
def v
def a = new Binding(RespJson: RespJson)
new GroovyShell(a).evaluate(" v=${RespNode}")
But I got the value of v as null
. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
def RespSlurper = new JsonSlurper()
def content = step.testRequest.response.responseContent
and the value of content
I have the code below as what I think is a condensed version of what the question is asking.
In this case it seems that the v
variable can be retrieved off of the binding, which is a
. The binding has its variables available on a variables
Also, because the script evaluated by the GroovyShell is the same as what v
is set to, printing the output of the GroovyShell object will also print "1".
import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
def RespSlurper = new JsonSlurper()
def content = '{"seatbid":[{"bid":[{"id":"1","impid":"1","price":3.5999999046325684,"nurl":"http:...","adomain":["",""],"iurl":"http:...","crid":"30364.s320x50m","h":0,"w":0}],"group":0}],"cur":"USD","nbr":0}'
def RespJson = RespSlurper.parseText(content)
def assertionKey = "seatbid[0].bid[0].impid"
def RespNode= "RespJson"+"."+ assertionKey
def v
def a = new Binding(RespJson: RespJson)
def result = new GroovyShell(a).evaluate("v=${RespNode}")
// Important addition!
println(result) <=== print the value of the GroovyShell, it will show "1"
println(a.variables.v) <=== retrieve the "v" variable off of the binding, it will show "1"