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How can I get notified of errors during when piping to gulp browserify?

I am using browserify so I can use npm modules in my front end code, and gulp to do my build tasks. This works fine:

var browserify = require('gulp-browserify');

gulp.task('js', ['clean'], function() {
            insertGlobals : true,
            debug : ! gulp.env.production

However if there's a syntax error in my JS, I'd like to be notified of the error via an OS X notification. I've seen this similar question and modified my code to add an .on('error'...) after the .browserify():

// Browserify/bundle the JS.
        insertGlobals : true,
        debug : ! gulp.env.production
    }).on('error', function(err){
            message: "Error: <%= error.message %>",
            title: "Failed running browserify"

However this doesn't notify when my JS is broken. Adding a console.log() inside on('error',...) doesn't log either. I suspect because that question doesn't involve using gulp piping.

How can I get notified of errors during when piping to gulp browserify?


  • Use gulp-notify. Note also you should use the browserify module instead of the deprecated gulp-browerify module.

    var browserify = require('browserify'),
        brfs = require('brfs'),
        watchify = require('watchify'),
        notify = require("gulp-notify");
    var bundler = watchify(browserify({
        basedir: "./public/js/src"
    // Browserify our code
    gulp.task('js', ['clean'], function() {
        // Browserify/bundle the JS.
        return bundler.bundle()
            // log errors if they happen
            .on('error', function(err) {
                return notify().write(err);

    Here example how to use browserify util in gulp task.

    Here another example how to use browserify and show notification, when js has syntax errors.