I want to do some memoization using the R
package memoise
on the following function taking as argument a function:
func = function(x) x
slowFunc = function(a,f,b=2) {Sys.sleep(1); a+b}
quickFunc = memoise(slowFunc)
> system.time(slowFunc(2, func, 3))
user system elapsed
0 0 1
> system.time(slowFunc(2, func, 3))
user system elapsed
0.00 0.00 0.99
There are two successive calls and the second returns 1 sec on the timing whereas I could have expected something instantaneous.
It is weird but it seems memoise
do not apply when arguments are functions ... how the function is represented in the memory to have this working?
Your code doesn't use the memoized function. It calls the original function which results in a 1 second sleep.
If you try with system.time(quickFunc(2, func, 3))
you'll see that there is no delay the second time.
works only with function arguments, and returns a function that either returns the cached value, or calls the input function to create it. While
won't raise an error, trying to call it (eg with m(5)
) will return an the following error
Error in mm() : could not find function "f"
You can check the function's code by simply typing memoise
. The result
function (f)
cache <- new_cache()
memo_f <- function(...) {
hash <- digest(list(...))
if (cache$has_key(hash)) {
else {
res <- f(...)
cache$set(hash, res)
attr(memo_f, "memoised") <- TRUE
shows that memoise
creates a hash of all the arguments and uses it as the key to an in-memory cache, even if these are functions.