Does anyone know what the supported resolutions are for Android MediaCodec when decoding HEVC?
Through trial and error I've found that the following work:
And the following don't:
Is there any official documentation?
I doubt that there is any official documentation - in practice, you can probably rely on the fact that the resolutions that are tested by the CTS work, but other resolutions can behave in any way.
Judging from Android MediaCodec for HEVC, I guess you're testing with a device which only has got the SW decoder. I would actually guess that the real HW decoders would be more capable or more compatible, than the SW decoder. (This may sound counterintuitive, but this is especially the case historically with the H264 SW encoder, which is very limited.)
The first non-working resolution has a height that isn't dividable by 16 (all the working resolutions have both width and height dividable by 16), while the other one might be "too large". Does that hypothesis seem to hold up if you test more resolutions?