I'm trying to create a C++ DLL to register with Terminal Services to provide virtual channel functionality. Unfortunately the header CChannel.h
cannot be found.
I'm using Visual Studio 2012, which is targeting Windows SDK 8.0. Sure enough, the required header is missing. However, it is present in the 8.1 \include\um
Reinstalling the SDK has not changed matters. Manually referencing the 8.1 include directories causes all sorts of issues.
Is there a simple way to get these headers installed under 8.0?
This seems to be a problem others have encountered before, without a direct resolution.
Oddly, cchannel.h
is only missing from Windows SDK 8. It is present in SDK 7 and SDK 8.1.
I resolved the problem by using the v110_xp platform toolset. This targets a version of the Windows 7 SDK, but uses the latest compiler (as of VS2012).
VS2012 Update 4 must be installed to access this toolset. More details can be found here.