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MVCDonutCaching - how to remove Child action cache MVC Donut Caching

I'm using this MVCDonutCaching Nuget package because in the tutorial they said this was possible with child actions.

This question didn't work for me or I didn't understand it correctly.

If someone knows how to delete the child cache with the standard OutputCache attribute, then that is alright as well!

I've searched for this but I can't find it. See here an example:

Index action of the HomeController (homepage):

public ActionResult Index()
   return View();

ChildAction of the NewsController:

[DonutOutputCache(Duration = 600, Location = OutputCacheLocation.Server)]
public PartialViewResult LastArticles(int numberOfArticles)
    return PartialView("_LastArticles", db.NewsArticles
    .Include(i => i.Tags)
    .Include(i => i.SeoTags)
    .Where(n => n.Status == PublishStatus.Published)
    .OrderByDescending(n => n.PublishDate)

Index view of the HomeController:

@{ Html.RenderAction("LastArticles", "News", new { numberOfArticles = 2 }); }

To clear the cache I have an Admin area in my application with a controller and action in it to update the data stored by the child action. So when a news article is updated. The cache should get refreshed on the homepage.

In that action I have the following code:

var cacheManager = new OutputCacheManager();
cacheManager.RemoveItem("News", "LastArticles", new { area = "", numberOfArticles = 2 });
cacheManager.RemoveItem("News", "LastArticles", new { area = "" });

I tried multiple versions but without luck. Can anybody help me?


  • I believe you shouldn't explicitly define the (empty) area. Although the area's an important part of the routing, MVCDonutCaching does something weird in defining an internal key. Perhaps MVCDonutCache has a bug concerning area's.