I use StringTemplate version 3.
I have the following template:
.done-ok {
background-color : LawnGreen
.done-ignore {
background-color : Orange
.done-fail {
background-color : OrangeRed
<body class="$if(failedNonEmpty)$done-fail$elseif(needsAttentionNonEmpty)$done-ignore$else$done-ok$endif$">
I use the following code:
var stg = new StringTemplateGroup(templateName, new FileSystemTemplateLoader(Path.Combine(locationRoot, templateFolder)));
var st = stg.GetInstanceOf(templateName);
st.SetAttribute("passedNonEmpty", !true);
st.SetAttribute("failedNonEmpty", !true);
st.SetAttribute("needsAttentionNonEmpty", !true);
var content = st.ToString();
When I compile the code everthing is ok. The strange thing is when i change the second attribute to:
st.SetAttribute("failedNonEmpty", true);
Then suddenly I get the exception on the line st.ToString() saying: no text in template 'elseif'
Anyone having the same problems or knows a solution?
As far as I remember there is no elseif in ST3 (and it's really pain in the ass). ST4 has it though.
In fact elseif was added in 3.1 (not sure if it works)
source: https://theantlrguy.atlassian.net/wiki/display/ST/3.1+Release+Notes