I am trying to make an app using PyObjC and am struggling to find how to record arrow key (left and right). I would like to be able to record every time the user presses the left and right arrow keys. I am using another example found online. Instead of the buttons used in previous example for increment and detriment, I would like to use the arrow keys on the key board. Been looking a while and thought I could get some help here. Thanks!
from Cocoa import *
from Foundation import NSObject
class TAC_UI_Controller(NSWindowController):
counterTextField = objc.IBOutlet()
def windowDidLoad(self):
# Start the counter
self.count = 0
def increment_(self, sender):
self.count += 1
def decrement_(self, sender):
self.count -= 1
def updateDisplay(self):
if __name__ == "__main__":
app = NSApplication.sharedApplication()
# Initiate the contrller with a XIB
viewController = test.alloc().initWithWindowNibName_("test")
# Show the window
# Bring app to top
from PyObjCTools import AppHelper
Your NSView
-derived class should implement a keyDown_
and / or keyUp_
. You also need to have acceptsFirstResponder
return True:
from AppKit import NSView
class MyView(NSView)
def keyDown_(self, event):
def keyUp_(self, event):
def acceptsFirstResponder(self):
return True
Here'a an example implementation from the PyObjC documentation you can use: https://pythonhosted.org/pyobjc/examples/Cocoa/AppKit/DragItemAround/index.html