I'm trying to use late binding to connect to a COM automation API provided by a program called Amibroker, using a C# WinForms project. So far I've been able to connect to everything in the API except one item, which I believe to be a "parameterized property" based on extensive Googling.
Here's what the API specification looks like according to the docs (Full version here: http://www.amibroker.com/guide/objects.html):
Property Filter(ByVal nType As Integer, ByVal pszCategory As String) As Long [r/w]
A javascript snippet to update the value looks like this:
AB = new ActiveXObject("Broker.Application");
AA = AB.Analysis;
AA.Filter( 0, "market" ) = 0;
Using the following C# late-binding code, I can get the value of the property, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to set the value:
object[] parameter = new object[2];
parameter[0] = Number;
parameter[1] = Type;
object filters = _analysis.GetType().InvokeMember("Filter", BindingFlags.GetProperty, null, _analysis, parameter);
So far I have tried:
From what I can see, this should be straight-forward, but I'm finding the late binding in C# to be cumbersome at best. The property looks like a method call to me, which is what is throwing me off. How does one assign a value to a method, and what would the prototype for late-binding C# code look like for it?
Hopefully that explains it well enough, but feel free to ask if I've left anything unclear. Thanks in advance for any help!
Yes, properties in COM are implemented as methods under the hood. The method name ought to be "set_Filter". I reckon the real reason you are having a problem is because you are going by the VB6 declarations. The VB6 Long type isn't actually a long in C#, it is an int. Trying to assign the property with a long value will fail.
Writing this code in VB.NET could make it a lot easier, it fully supports late-bound method and property access, using the "natural" syntax similar to Java. And supports indexed properties, unlike C#. Write a little wrapper assembly that you can reference in your C# project. It is available in C# too since VS2010 with the new dynamic keyword.