need some help with coding, I'm trying to write a bat file that, when fired, will look for a USB drive and then copy a directory to it. And if the USB isn't plugged in, it will sit and wait for the user to plug it in. Here's the code I have so far:
@echo off
@title Finding and Backing Up
@echo Please plug in your USB.
for %%a in (A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) do (
IF EXIST %%a:\ SET %%USBDRV=%%a: && GOTO UniTest:
GOTO :Find
echo I will look for your work and ensure it's backed up against the USB's Database, please wait.
IF EXIST "%USERPROFILE%\Documents\University" (
echo Found University work, please wait while it's backed up.
xcopy "%USERPROFILE%\Documents\University" "%USBDRV%\Backups\University" /S /D /Y /I /E > nul
echo University work located and successfully backed up.
) ELSE (
echo I could not find any University folder in your Documents folder
echo Done!
The only issue is, I'm still relatively derpy when it comes to coding, and while it sits on 'please plug in your USB' correcty, as soon as the USB is plugged in it continues with the script however it will dump it to a random HDD, usually C:/. I can't seem to figure out where I went wrong, knowing my luck it's something damn small.
Any advice or solutions? Much appreciated! Thanks -Julian
One minor change to how you set the USBDRV environment variable should fix it.
Change this line:
IF EXIST %%a:\ SET %%USBDRV=%%a: && GOTO UniTest:
to this:
IF EXIST %%a:\ SET USBDRV=%%a:&& GOTO UniTest:
(ie. no need for %% in front of the environment variable, and no space between the colon and the &&).