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Writing jstring to logcat in JNI function

I'm trying to debug my JNI function, and in doing so I wish to display the incoming jstring argument to logcat to verify its correctness.

I've tried the following code to do so, but it keeps crashing out.


where myStringArg is declared as a jstring.

If I declare and define another jstring within my JNI function and LOGD that, it works. However, for some reason if I call LOGD on the JNI function argument it crashes. I have verified internally that the jstring is not null, and right before calling it in the Java function, I also check that the value is correct.

I've converted the jstring to a const char * as follows:

const char *charString;
charString = (const char*)(*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, myStringArg, NULL);

Nothing is displayed, which means charString is empty?

Any idea how to do this?



  • You can try to extract chars from the jstring using this method:

    const char* getCharFromString(JNIEnv* env, jstring string){
        if(string == NULL)
            return NULL;
        return  env->GetStringUTFChars(string ,0);

    This way you can print your jstring as (const char*):

    LOGD(getCharFromString(env, myStringArg));

    If you still have problem printing this string, try to debug the content using using these methods:

    int getBytesNeededByString(JNIEnv* env, jstring string){
        return env->GetStringUTFLength(string);
    int getNumberOfCharsInString(JNIEnv* env, jstring string){
        return env->GetStringLength(string);