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Titanium- Open URL when click on notification

I am stuck to get the click event of notification (android notification area), actually i want to open web page when user click on the notification.

here is my code,

var intent = Ti.Android.createIntent({
        flags : Ti.Android.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP | Ti.Android.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK,
        data : '',
        //url : '',
        className : '',
        packageName : ''

    var pending = Ti.Android.createPendingIntent({
        activity : Ti.Android.currentActivity,
        intent : intent,
        type : Ti.Android.PENDING_INTENT_FOR_ACTIVITY,
        flags : Ti.Android.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_HISTORY
    var dateValue = new Date();
    var notification = Ti.Android.createNotification({
        contentIntent : pending,
        contentTitle : Title,
        contentText : Message,
        tickerText : Title,
        when : dateValue.getTime(),
        icon : Ti.App.Android.R.drawable.appicon,
        flags : Titanium.Android.ACTION_DEFAULT | Titanium.Android.FLAG_AUTO_CANCEL | Titanium.Android.FLAG_SHOW_LIGHTS,
        sound : Ti.Filesystem.getResRawDirectory() + 'notification.wav',
    Ti.Android.NotificationManager.notify(1, notification);


  • This one of @phil worked for me:

    But I've switched to gcm.js, because it's much more reliable.