On this page of the documentation, at the bottom, it says:
You can find full examples of Sphinx-4 configuration file in sources. For example, check the file sphinx4/src/apps/edu/cmu/sphinx/demo/transcriber/config.xml
Well, I looked, and there is no config.xml
in that directory, and there is no such file in any of the other folders inside of demo
So where can one find a default config file to use to get started with?
If I just do Configuration configuration = new Configuration();
, would that be good enough to start with?
I recently found out that what you suggest is not enough. Take a look at the latest code on the Github repository. There is a default.config.xml file at https://github.com/cmusphinx/sphinx4/tree/master/sphinx4-core/src/main/resources/edu/cmu/sphinx/api, and the path to it is set in the Context class in package edu.cmu.sphinx.api:
public Context(Configuration config)
throws IOException, MalformedURLException
this("../sphinx4/sphinx4-core/src/main/resources/edu/cmu/sphinx/api/default.config.xml", config);