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"invalid property assignment" when using a collection with the WebBrowser control and ObjectForScripting

I'm simulating a third-party application for a system I am working on - the real back-end (that I don't have access to) uses a WebBrowser control and some interfacing javascript (that I do have access to).

Most of this is working, but I'm having some trouble adding the collections referenced in the javascript. In the javascript file various references like this are present:

var insSetCount = booking.InsertionSets.Count;
for (var nInsSet = 1; nInsSet <= insSetCount; nInsSet++) {
    var insSet = booking.InsertionSets(nInsSet);

This object looks to be a collection of some sort... I've read that generic lists are not supported by COM, so I've tried adding Public InsertionSets As ArrayList. However, I got the following error on the third line of the above javascript:

TypeError: Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment

I then tried rolling my own collection with an explicit Default Property assignment:

Public Class InsertionSetCollection
    Inherits CollectionBase

    Public Sub New()
    End Sub

    Public Sub Add(ByVal obj As InsertionSet)
    End Sub

    Default Public ReadOnly Property Item(ByVal index As Integer) As InsertionSet
            Return CType(List.Item(index - 1), InsertionSet)
        End Get
    End Property

End Class

But this approach had the same result as when I used the ArrayList.

I've worked around the problem for the moment by replacing all references to InsertionSets(i) with InsertionSets.Item(i) in the javascript - which does seem to work, but of course involves modifying production code.

Can anyone give me any pointers at to which collection type I should be using here, or alternatively how to effectively use a Default Property with COM Interop?

I've extracted my code here:, please let me know if something important is missing.


  • The following would work in C#, note [DispId(0)]. Hopefully, you could convert it to VB.NET:

    public class ScritingArray {
        ArrayList _items = new ArrayList();
        public object this[int index] 
            get { return _items[index]; }
            set { _items[index] = value; }