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How to use StackExchange.Redis ConnectionMultiplexer with SignalR.Redis (2.2)

Currently SignalR.Redis is using Booksleeve.

However, SignalR.Redis has now migrated to StackExchange.Redis instead of Booksleave in the signalR.Redis (2.2 Dev Branch).

We can still specify a single Redis server using the same code after upgrading to 2.2:

GlobalHost.DependencyResolver.UseRedis("localhost", 6379, string.Empty, "myApp");

However, I am now wondering how I can use the ConnectionMultiplexer (available in StackExchange.Redis) to specify multiple servers with SignalR.Redis (instead of specifying just one single server).

The answer here: Using SignalR with Redis messagebus failover using BookSleeve's ConnectionUtils.Connect() has taken me in the right direction, however I am confused as to how I implement it.

Any help is very much appreciated.


  • there is not possible to specify a ConnectionMultiplex on SignalR 2.2. I opened an issue about that here

    and I'm creating a PR to the repo. Damian marked that issue for the milestone 2.2.1, hopefully will be released soon (of course I've to send the PR first)
